
Seminario do Grupo Rede: Fidel Picos (JRC – Sevilla)

“EUROMOD, the tax-benefit microsimulation model for the EU: overview, uses and challenges”

Martes 10 de maio ás 13.00h (CET)


PRESENCIAL: Aula Seminario 8 da Facultade de Ciencias Económicas e Empresariais da Universidade de Vigo

ONLINE: https://campusremotouvigo.gal/access/public/meeting/344637203

Contrasinal alumnado: FPUz85q3

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Abstract: EUROMOD is a tax-benefit microsimulation model for the European Union that enables researchers and policy analysts to calculate, in a comparable manner, the impact of taxes and benefits on household incomes and public revenues and expenditures. Cross-country comparability is enabled by coding the policy systems of the EU Member States according to a common framework based on a standard set of modelling conventions. The codes of the EU models and the software are open source and regularly updated and distributed by the Joint Research Centre of the European Commission. The purpose of this seminar is to give an overview of the model, present the most relevant uses for research and policy assessment, and discuss the challenges ahead.
