Seminario de Doutoramento: Beatriz Rodríguez Salvador (UDC e Universidade do Porto)
‘Understanding the value of traceability of fishery products from a consumer perspective’
Xoves 3 de febreiro, 13.00h (CET)
Presencial: Sala 445, Facultade de Ciencias Económicas e Empresariais, Universidade de Vigo
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Traceability is a valuable tool for all the agents in the fishery value chain where consumers are at both ends. Consumers’ perceptions often differ from those of experts and information campaigns are usually employed to increase consumers’ knowledge and awareness. This study aims to provide an overview of consumer knowledge and associations to traceability, evaluate the need for traceable fishery products as perceived by consumers and the effect of information provision, according to their knowledge and socioeconomic characteristics and, finally, examine the perceived necessity of traceability functions based on consumers’ perceived necessity for traceability in fishery products. Results show consumers have a low level of knowledge on traceability and generally associate it to the origin and the entire process from fishing. Additionally, most consumers perceive traceability of fishery products as necessary but low pre-existing knowledge appears as a barrier. Additionally, a significant association between household type and perceived necessity was found. Consumers value traceability as a means to know the origin, the ingredients and verify that producer claims are true. Furthermore, traceability is important to allocate liability and manage a food crisis. These findings may have implications on the communication of information about traceability to consumer.
Traceability is a valuable tool for all the agents in the fishery value chain where consumers are at both ends. Consumers’ perceptions often differ from those of experts and information campaigns are usually employed to increase consumers’ knowledge and awareness. This study aims to provide an overview of consumer knowledge and associations to traceability, evaluate the need for traceable fishery products as perceived by consumers and the effect of information provision, according to their knowledge and socioeconomic characteristics and, finally, examine the perceived necessity of traceability functions based on consumers’ perceived necessity for traceability in fishery products. Results show consumers have a low level of knowledge on traceability and generally associate it to the origin and the entire process from fishing. Additionally, most consumers perceive traceability of fishery products as necessary but low pre-existing knowledge appears as a barrier. Additionally, a significant association between household type and perceived necessity was found. Consumers value traceability as a means to know the origin, the ingredients and verify that producer claims are true. Furthermore, traceability is important to allocate liability and manage a food crisis. These findings may have implications on the communication of information about traceability to consumer.