Workshop “The sustainability of the primary sector in the transboundary Miño river”


16.30H Opening of the seminar

Presentation of the Workshop: Ánxela Fernández Callís (Mayoress of O Rosal)

16.45H Presentation of the Observatory

Presentation of the Observatory of the Cross-border Dynamics of the Minho River: Luis Ulloa (project technician, EGTC Rio Minho)

17.00H Presentation of the report

Presentation of the thematic report on "Sustainability and Green Economy": Xavier Martínez Cobas (ODT coordinator - University of Vigo)

17.30H Round Table: "Sustainability in the primary sector".

María Victoria Álvarez Fernández (President of ACUBAM), José Augusto Martíns (responsible for Raíz da Terra), Emilio Rodríguez Canas (Technical Director of Terras Gauda), Armando Fontainhas (President of Adega Cooperativa Regional de Monçao).

Host: Sandra González Álvarez (mayoress of Tomiño)

18.15H Closing ceremony

Workshop Farewell


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