ECOBAS (Economics and Business Administration for Society) is an Interuniversity Research Center composed of researchers and professors from the three Galician universities. We are specialized in sustainability in a broad sense, which covers not only the economic but also the environmental and social scopes, approached from the field of social science, mainly Economics and Business.
The Center perpetuates the Strategic Grouping of the same name born in 2015, which was the first interuniversity supra-group research unit in social sciences in Galicia until 2020.

Converterse nun centro vertebrador da I+D+i no sistema galego de Investigación particularmente no ámbito das ciencias sociais, a través dunha axenda científica enfocada na sustentabilidade económica, ambiental e social, e aliñada con ODS (Obxectivos do Desenvolvemento Sostible) e coas principais axendas rexionais, nacionais e europeas, e fortemente conectada coas necesidades e prioridades da contorna.
Converterse nun motor de cambio para o desenvolvemento económico, a calidade de vida e o benestar, mediante a xeración de coñecemento que axude a resolver os problemas da sociedade. A nosa traxectoria de colaboración e traballo cunha ampla variedade de actores e axentes sociais son a nosa mellor garantía.
Crear un ecosistema de investigación atractivo, colaborativo e altamente internacionalizado que nos permita consolidar e atraer talento, e xogar un papel relevante na formación e capacitación de novo persoal investigador do eido da Economía e a Empresa e ciencias afíns.
ECOBAS’ work plan for the following years settles on 6 objectives:
Exert scientific leadership in the field of social sciences through differentiation, specialization and frontier research
ECOBAS aspires to contribute to the scientific advance of knowledge and to become an internationally renowned center by promoting quality research and scientific excellence.
Recruit and promote research talent by ensuring replacement and sustainable growth of the Center itself, and by supporting the new generation of ECOBAS’ leading researchers
‘Talent attracts talent’ will be one of the key principles applied in developing activities in the Center and in stablishing our strategies so that the incorporation and promotion of researchers of excellence is used a lure to attract new talent.
Encourage and promote quality training and internationalization
Training abilities are a key element in the assembly of a Research Center like ECOBAS. It is crucial to constantly improve teaching and postgraduate plans, to implement new training that can meet the needs and demands of both the academic community and society, and to establish alliances with leading international centers.
Promote visibility of the Center and improve its international positioning and recognition
ECOBAS’ international recognition and the establishment of new alliances with renowned centers will be key aspects in the development of our strategic plan.
Achieve a greater impact and social projection
ECOBAS intends to produce knowledge that will provide solutions to the problems and needs of society by developing research aligned with the priorities of its environment and with the main autonomic, national and European agendas. To achieve such goal we take into consideration socioeconomic agents, disseminate and promote the activity of the Center, and deploy an open science policy that fosters citizen inclusion and participation.
Take a stance as a center for reference in sustainability
ECOBAS intends to become a renowned and recognizable brand, reaching a solid position in the fields of research, teaching, innovation, and knowledge transfer to become one of the main regional, national, and international references in the field of economic, social and environmental sustainability.
ECOBAS’ work plan for the following years settles on 6 objectives:
Exert scientific leadership in the field of social sciences through differentiation, specialization and frontier research
ECOBAS aspires to contribute to the scientific advance of knowledge and to become an internationally renowned center by promoting quality research and scientific excellence.
Recruit and promote research talent by ensuring replacement and sustainable growth of the Center itself, and by supporting the new generation of ECOBAS’ leading researchers
‘Talent attracts talent’ will be one of the key principles applied in developing activities in the Center and in stablishing our strategies so that the incorporation and promotion of researchers of excellence is used a lure to attract new talent.
Encourage and promote quality training and internationalization
Training abilities are a key element in the assembly of a Research Center like ECOBAS. It is crucial to constantly improve teaching and postgraduate plans, to implement new training that can meet the needs and demands of both the academic community and society, and to establish alliances with leading international centers.
Promote visibility of the Center and improve its international positioning and recognition
ECOBAS’ international recognition and the establishment of new alliances with renowned centers will be key aspects in the development of our strategic plan.
Achieve a greater impact and social projection
ECOBAS intends to produce knowledge that will provide solutions to the problems and needs of society by developing research aligned with the priorities of its environment and with the main autonomic, national and European agendas. To achieve such goal we take into consideration socioeconomic agents, disseminate and promote the activity of the Center, and deploy an open science policy that fosters citizen inclusion and participation.
Take a stance as a center for reference in sustainability
ECOBAS intends to become a renowned and recognizable brand, reaching a solid position in the fields of research, teaching, innovation, and knowledge transfer to become one of the main regional, national, and international references in the field of economic, social and environmental sustainability.