Engaging with our researcher’s work: new published works

José Manuel Sánchez Santos and Paolo Rungo

Article: “Building social capital through sport engagement: Evidence for adults aged 50 years and older”

This work is included in a line of research that tackles the determinants and effects of individual social capital. In particular, it analyzes the role of sports participation in the generation and development of social relationships of the elderly, an aspect that has not received much attention so far. This work provides new evidence on how participation in sports can lead to closer and more extensive networks for this segment of the population.  The results of this research allow us to focus on sport, physical activity and leisure as strategies to maintain and enhance the social and psychological health of the elderly.

Sánchez-Santos, J., Rungo, P., & Lera-López, F. (2022). Building social capital through sport engagement: Evidence for adults aged 50 years and older. Ageing and Society, 1-26. doi:10.1017/S0144686X22000046
*In this publication José Manuel Sánchez Santos and Paolo Rungo share authorship with Fernando Lera López, from the Public University of Navarra.


José Manuel Sánchez Santos

Article: Light, moderate and vigorous physical activities: New insights into a virtuous circle with happiness”

This research is part of a line of research developed in the field of sport economics. Specifically, it focuses on the study of the links between sport, social capital and subjective well-being. This work demonstrates the existence of a simultaneous and bidirectional relationship between the different levels of physical activity practice (moderate and vigorous activities) and people’s happiness. The most striking of the results obtained is the confirmation of the existence of a more solid association that goes from happiness to physical activity and vice versa. In this sense, from the point of view of public policies, it is important to highlight the existence of a virtuous circle: participation in different levels of physical activity increases happiness and self-perceived health, while happiness implies greater physical activity and, consequently, a positive increase in the health and happiness of individuals.

Castellanos, P.;  Lera, F. & Sánchez-Santos, J.M. (2022). Light, moderate and vigorous physical activities: New insights into a virtuous circle with happiness. European Journal of Sport Science, DOI: 10.1080/17461391.2022.2089053
*In this publication José Manuel Sánchez Santos shares authorship with Fernando Lera López, from the Public University of Navarra, and Pablo Castellanos, from the University of A Coruña.


Raquel Fernández González, Marcos I. Pérez Pérez, Mª Dolores Garza Gil

Article: COVID-19 and the Spanish Celtic Sea fishery: An economic análisis

This article analyzes the effects of the COVID-19 crisis on the profitability, income and employment of Spanish shipowning companies with vessels operating in the Celtic Sea. The results show a variation of -25% in revenue, -10% in the number of employees and -80% in economic and financial profitability.

Fernández-González, R., Pérez-Pérez, M. I., & Garza-Gil, M. D. (2022). COVID-19 and the Spanish Celtic Sea fishery: An economic analysis. Marine Policy, 143, 105204. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.marpol.2022.105204


Raquel Fernández González

Article: Environmental strategy and the petroleum industry: a sustainability balanced scorecard approach

This article implements the scorecard methodology to evaluate the sustainable development of a Spanish company focused on the commercialization and distribution of petroleum products. The objective of this article is to analyze the environmental management of the hydrocarbon company, and if the four perspectives of its strategic vision incorporated satisfactorily variables that promote sustainability.

Fernández-González, R., Puime-Guillén, F., & Vila-Biglieri, J. E. (2022). Environmental strategy and the petroleum industry: a sustainability balanced scorecard approach. Journal of Petroleum Exploration and Production Technology, 1-12. https://doi.org/10.1007/s13202-022-01543-9
*n this publication Raquel Fernández González shares authorship with Félix Puime-Guillén, from the University of A Coruña, and Jorge E. Vila Biglieri, from the University of Vigo.

Book Chapter: Sustainability, innovation, and diversification in the Spanish frozen food industry: a financial analysis

The objective of this study is to analyze, in a five-year financial projection, the viability of a production plant of high quality, high value-added frozen products. In addition, a price sensitivity analysis is also carried out to determine the possible scenarios that the company may face. The results show that the project is efficient and covers the investments.

Puime-Guillén, F., Pérez-Vas, R., & Fernández-González, R. (2022). Sustainability, Innovation and Diversification in the Spanish Frozen Food Industry: A Financial Analysis. In Sustainability and Intelligent Management (pp. 149-160). Springer, Cham. https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-030-98036-8_7
*In this publication Raquel Fernández González shares authorship with Félix Puime-Guillén, from the University of A Coruña, and Raisa Pérez Vas, from the University of Vigo.