The publications collected in this archive correspond to the period when ECOBAS was a Strategic Partnership, which consisted of the following research groups: C+D Group (University of A Coruña); ECO-IURIS (University of Santiago de Compostela); ECOSOT, EMAF, ERENEA, G4PLUS, GEN, GRIEE, IC2, IMARK, REDE and RGEAF (University of Vigo). The publications of the Interuniversity Research Center ECOBAS since 2021 can be consulted at this link

Alló, M., & Loureiro, M. L. (2020).
Assessing preferences for wildfire prevention policies in Spain
Forest Policy and Economics, 115, 102145.
Alvarez-Garcia, B., & Miles-Touya, D. (2019).
Gender imbalance in housework allocation: a question of time?
eview of Economics of the Household, 17(4), 1257-1287.
Alvarez-González, P., & Otero-Neira, C. (2019).
The effect of mergers and acquisitions on customer–company relationships
International Journal of Bank Marketing, ahead-of-p(ahead-of-print).
Amigo-Dobaño, L., Garza-Gil, M. D., & Varela-Lafuente, M. M. (2020).
Analyzing the Attitudes of Spanish Firms towards Brexit’s Effects on the Management of European Fisheries
Sustainability, 12(14), 5819.
Ángel Cid, J., & Sanchez, L. (2020).
Nonnegative oscillations for a class of differential equations without uniqueness: A variational approach
Discrete & Continuous Dynamical Systems – B, 25(2), 545-554.
Bergantiños, G., & Moreno-Ternero, J. D. (2020).
Allocating extra revenues from broadcasting sports leagues
Journal of Mathematical Economics, 90, 65-73.
Bergantiños, G., & Navarro-Ramos, A. (2019).
A characterization of the folk rule for multi-source minimal cost spanning tree problems
Operations Research Letters, 47(5), 366-370.
Bergantiños, G., Gómez-Rúa, M., Llorca, N., Pulido, M., & Sánchez-Soriano, J. (2020).
Allocating costs in set covering problems
European Journal of Operational Research, 284(3), 1074-1087.
Bergantiños, G., Vidal-Puga, J.
One-way and two-way cost allocation in hub network problems
OR Spectrum 42, 199–234 (2020).
Blázquez, J., Fuentes, R., Manzano, B. (2020).
On some economic principles of the energy transition
Energy Policy, -.
Blazquez, J., Hunt, L. C., Manzano, B., & Pierru, A. (2020).
The Value of Saving Oil in Saudi Arabia
Economics of Energy & Environmental Policy, 9(1).
Bouché, S., & Miguel, C. (2019).
Optimal fiscal policy in a model with inherited aspirations and habit formation
Journal of Public Economic Theory, 21(6), 1309-1331.
Caballero, G., Álvarez-González, P., & López-Miguens, M. J. (2020).
How to promote the employability capital of university students? Developing and validating scales
Studies in Higher Education, 1-19.
Caicedo-Parada, S.; Lago-Peñas, C.; Ortega-Toro, E.
Passing Networks and Tactical Action in Football: A Systematic Review
Int. J. Environ. Res. Public Health 2020, 17, 6649.
Calvo-Porral, C., & Lévy-Mangin, J.-P. (2020).
An emotion-based segmentation of bank service customers
International Journal of Bank Marketing, 38(7), 1441-1463.
Calvo-Porral, C., Lévy-Mangin, J.-P., & Ruiz-Vega, A. (2020).
An emotion-based typology of wine consumers
Food Quality and Preference, 79, 103777.
Casal, B., Rodríguez-Míguez, E. & Rivera, B.
Measuring intangible cost-of-morbidity due to substance dependence: implications of using alternative preference-based instruments
Eur J Health Econ 21, 1039–1048 (2020).
Dahl, C. M., & Iglesias, E. M. (2019).
Asymptotic normality of the MLE in the level-effect ARCH model
Statistical Papers.
del Río, C., & Alonso-Villar, O. (2019).
Occupational segregation by sexual orientation in the U.S.: exploring its economic effects on same-sex couples
Review of Economics of the Household, 17(2), 439-467.
Faiña, A., Lopez-Rodriguez, J., & Montes-Solla, P. (2020).
European Union regional policy and development in Spain: capital widening and productivity stagnation over 1989–2010
Regional Studies, 54(1), 106-119.
Garcia‐Torea, N., Fernandez‐Feijoo, B., & De La Cuesta, M. (2020).
CSR reporting communication: Defective reporting models or misapplication?
orporate Social Responsibility and Environmental Management, 27(2), 952-968.
Garza-Gil, M. D., Pérez-Pérez, M. I., & Fernández-González, R. (2020).
Governance in small-scale fisheries of Galicia (NW Spain): Moving toward co-management?
cean & Coastal Management, 184, 105013.
González, X., & Moral, M. J. (2019).
Effects of antitrust prosecution on retail fuel prices
International Journal of Industrial Organization, 67, 102537.
Groba, C., Sartal, A., & Bergantiño, G. (2020).
Optimization of tuna fishing logistic routes through information sharing policies: A game theory-based approach
Marine Policy, 113, 103795.
Hervés-Beloso, C., Moreno-García, E.
Revisiting the Coase theorem
Econ Theory (2021).
Høgevold, N., Svensson, G. and Otero-Neira, C. (2020),
Trust and commitment as mediators between economic and non-economic satisfaction in business relationships: a sales perspective
JCR) Journal of Business & Industrial Marketing, Vol. ahead-of-print No. ahead-of-print.
Iglesias, E. M., & Phillips, G. D. A. (2019).
Further Results on Pseudo‐Maximum Likelihood Estimation and Testing in the Constant Elasticity of Variance Continuous Time Model
Journal of Time Series Analysis, jtsa.12499.
Jorge, E., Lopez-Valeiras, E., & Gonzalez-Sanchez, M. B. (2020).
The role of attitudes and tolerance of ambiguity in explaining consumers’ willingness to pay for organic wine
Journal of Cleaner Production, 257, 120601.
Jorge, E., Lopez-Valeiras, E., & Gonzalez-Sanchez, M. B. (2020).
The Importance Given to Food Naturalness Attributes by Millennial University Students
Sustainability, 12(2), 728.
Labandeira, X., Labeaga, J. M., Linares, P., López-Otero, X. (2020).
The Impacts of Energy Efficiency Policies: Meta-analysis
Energy Policy, 147: 111790
Labeaga, J. M., Labandeira, X., & López-Otero, X. (2020).
Energy taxation, subsidy removal and poverty in Mexico
Environment and Development Economics, 1-22.
Lago, I., Lago-Peñas, S., & Martinez-Vazquez, J. (2020).
Decentralization after the Great Recession: fine-tuning or paradigm change?
egional Studies, 54(7), 877-880.
Lago-Peñas, S., Martinez-Vazquez, J., & Sacchi, A. (2020).
Fiscal stability during the Great Recession: putting decentralization design to the test
Regional Studies, 54(7), 919-930.
odchik, C Jardon, E Yachmeneva (2020). Multilevel analysis of knowledge sources for product innovation in Russian SMEs. Eurasian Business Review
Martínez-Roget, F., Moutela, J. A., & Rodríguez, X. A. (2020).
Length of Stay and Sustainability: Evidence from the Schist Villages Network (SVN) in Portugal
Sustainability, 12(10), 4025.
a, P.A.; Carrasco, J.; Rogan, C.; Montes, F.; Lago-Peñas, C.; Lemoine, P.; Valdivia, J. (2020). “Is social network approach relevant on football results?”. Chaos, Solitions & Fractals
Menéndez, R. P., Martín, A. P., Varela-Candamio, L., & García-Álvarez, M.-T. (2020).
An enhanced techno-economic analysis of LCOE: public incentives vs private investment
Technological and Economic Development of Economy, 1-23.
r, A., Cabanelas, P., López-Miguens, M. J., Cabiddu, F., & Rüdiger, K. (2020). Sustainable development and consumption: The role of trust for switching towards green energy. Business Strategy and the Environment. doi: 10.1002/bse.2599
Reyes-Santías, F., Cordova-Arevalo, O. & Rivo-Lopez, E.
Using flexible regression models for calculating hospital’s production functions
BMC Health Serv Res 20, 641 (2020).
Rey-Garcia, M. (2020).
Why Foundations Flourish: A Comparative Policy Framework to Understand Policy Support for Foundations across Countries*.
ournal of Comparative Policy Analysis: Research and Practice, 22(1), 6-29.
Rivera, B.; Casal, B.; Lago-Peñas, S.; Cantarero, D.; Pascual, M.; Reyes, F.; Blazquez, C. (2020)
“The impact of socioeconomic position on non-communicable diseases: a systematic literature review”
Rivo-López, E.; Villanueva-Villar, M.; Suárez-Blázquez, G.; Reyes-Santias, F. (2020
) “How does a business family manage its wealth? A family office perspective”
Journal of Family Business Management.
Rodriguez, M., Pansera, M., & Cabanelas Lorenzo, P. (2020).
Do indicators have politics? A review of the use of energy and carbon intensity indicators in public debates
Journal of Cleaner Production, 243, 118602.
Rodríguez, R., Svensson, G., & Otero-Neira, C. (2019).
Future direction of sustainable development in private hospitals: general similarities and specific differences
Journal of Business & Industrial Marketing, 35(3), 537-550.
Rodríguez, X. A., Regueiro, R. M., & Doldán, X. R. (2020).
Analysis of productivity in the Spanish wind industry
Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews, 118, 109573.
Sánchez, L. C.; Barajas, Á.; Sánchez-Fernández, P. (2020)
“Fans in the ownership of Big Five leagues: lessons for better football governance”
Soccer & Society.
Sánchez, L. C.; Barajas, Á.; Sánchez-Fernández, P. (2020)
“Profits may lead teams to lose matches, but scoring goals does not lead to profit”
European Research on Management and Business Economics, 26(1).
Sartal, A., González-Loureiro, M., & Vázquez, X. H. (2020).
Meta-analyses in management: What can we learn from clinical research?
RQ Business Research Quarterly.
Sartal, A., Ozcelik, N., & Rodríguez, M. (2020).
Bringing the circular economy closer to small and medium enterprises: Improving water circularity without damaging plant productivity
Journal of Cleaner Production, 256, 120363.
Sartal, A., Rodríguez, M., & Vázquez, X. H. (2019).
From efficiency‐driven to low‐carbon operations management: Implications for labor productivity
Journal of Operations Management, March 2017, joom.1060.
Sartal, A., Vázquez, X. H., & Lozano-Lozano, L. M. (2020).
Organizational Tools and Cultural Change in the Success of Lean Transformations: Delving Into Sequence and Rhythm
IEEE Transactions on Engineering Management.
Seijas-Macías, A., Oliveira, A., Oliveira, T. A., & Leiva, V. (2020).
Approximating the Distribution of the Product of Two Normally Distributed Random Variables
Symmetry, 12(8), 1201.
Valencia-Toledo, A., & Vidal-Puga, J. (2020).
A sequential bargaining protocol for land rental arrangements
Review of Economic Design, 24(1-2), 65-99.
Wang, F., Cid, J. Á., Li, S., & Zima, M. (2020).
Lyapunov stability of periodic solutions of Brillouin type equations
Applied Mathematics Letters, 101, 106057.
Alló, M., & Loureiro, M. L. (2020).
Assessing preferences for wildfire prevention policies in Spain
Forest Policy and Economics, 115, 102145.
Alvarez-Garcia, B., & Miles-Touya, D. (2019).
Gender imbalance in housework allocation: a question of time?
eview of Economics of the Household, 17(4), 1257-1287.
Alvarez-González, P., & Otero-Neira, C. (2019).
The effect of mergers and acquisitions on customer–company relationships
International Journal of Bank Marketing, ahead-of-p(ahead-of-print).
Amigo-Dobaño, L., Garza-Gil, M. D., & Varela-Lafuente, M. M. (2020).
Analyzing the Attitudes of Spanish Firms towards Brexit’s Effects on the Management of European Fisheries
Sustainability, 12(14), 5819.
Ángel Cid, J., & Sanchez, L. (2020).
Nonnegative oscillations for a class of differential equations without uniqueness: A variational approach
Discrete & Continuous Dynamical Systems – B, 25(2), 545-554.
Bergantiños, G., & Moreno-Ternero, J. D. (2020).
Allocating extra revenues from broadcasting sports leagues
Journal of Mathematical Economics, 90, 65-73.
Bergantiños, G., & Navarro-Ramos, A. (2019).
A characterization of the folk rule for multi-source minimal cost spanning tree problems
Operations Research Letters, 47(5), 366-370.
Bergantiños, G., Gómez-Rúa, M., Llorca, N., Pulido, M., & Sánchez-Soriano, J. (2020).
Allocating costs in set covering problems
European Journal of Operational Research, 284(3), 1074-1087.
Bergantiños, G., Vidal-Puga, J.
One-way and two-way cost allocation in hub network problems
OR Spectrum 42, 199–234 (2020).
Blázquez, J., Fuentes, R., Manzano, B. (2020).
On some economic principles of the energy transition
Energy Policy, -.
Blazquez, J., Hunt, L. C., Manzano, B., & Pierru, A. (2020).
The Value of Saving Oil in Saudi Arabia
Economics of Energy & Environmental Policy, 9(1).
Bouché, S., & Miguel, C. (2019).
Optimal fiscal policy in a model with inherited aspirations and habit formation
Journal of Public Economic Theory, 21(6), 1309-1331.
Caballero, G., Álvarez-González, P., & López-Miguens, M. J. (2020).
How to promote the employability capital of university students? Developing and validating scales
Studies in Higher Education, 1-19.
Caicedo-Parada, S.; Lago-Peñas, C.; Ortega-Toro, E.
Passing Networks and Tactical Action in Football: A Systematic Review
Int. J. Environ. Res. Public Health 2020, 17, 6649.
Calvo-Porral, C., & Lévy-Mangin, J.-P. (2020).
An emotion-based segmentation of bank service customers
International Journal of Bank Marketing, 38(7), 1441-1463.
Calvo-Porral, C., Lévy-Mangin, J.-P., & Ruiz-Vega, A. (2020).
An emotion-based typology of wine consumers
Food Quality and Preference, 79, 103777.
Casal, B., Rodríguez-Míguez, E. & Rivera, B.
Measuring intangible cost-of-morbidity due to substance dependence: implications of using alternative preference-based instruments
Eur J Health Econ 21, 1039–1048 (2020).
Dahl, C. M., & Iglesias, E. M. (2019).
Asymptotic normality of the MLE in the level-effect ARCH model
Statistical Papers.
del Río, C., & Alonso-Villar, O. (2019).
Occupational segregation by sexual orientation in the U.S.: exploring its economic effects on same-sex couples
Review of Economics of the Household, 17(2), 439-467.
Faiña, A., Lopez-Rodriguez, J., & Montes-Solla, P. (2020).
European Union regional policy and development in Spain: capital widening and productivity stagnation over 1989–2010
Regional Studies, 54(1), 106-119.
Garcia‐Torea, N., Fernandez‐Feijoo, B., & De La Cuesta, M. (2020).
CSR reporting communication: Defective reporting models or misapplication?
orporate Social Responsibility and Environmental Management, 27(2), 952-968.
Garza-Gil, M. D., Pérez-Pérez, M. I., & Fernández-González, R. (2020).
Governance in small-scale fisheries of Galicia (NW Spain): Moving toward co-management?
cean & Coastal Management, 184, 105013.
González, X., & Moral, M. J. (2019).
Effects of antitrust prosecution on retail fuel prices
International Journal of Industrial Organization, 67, 102537.
Groba, C., Sartal, A., & Bergantiño, G. (2020).
Optimization of tuna fishing logistic routes through information sharing policies: A game theory-based approach
Marine Policy, 113, 103795.
Hervés-Beloso, C., Moreno-García, E.
Revisiting the Coase theorem
Econ Theory (2021).
Høgevold, N., Svensson, G. and Otero-Neira, C. (2020),
Trust and commitment as mediators between economic and non-economic satisfaction in business relationships: a sales perspective
JCR) Journal of Business & Industrial Marketing, Vol. ahead-of-print No. ahead-of-print.
Iglesias, E. M., & Phillips, G. D. A. (2019).
Further Results on Pseudo‐Maximum Likelihood Estimation and Testing in the Constant Elasticity of Variance Continuous Time Model
Journal of Time Series Analysis, jtsa.12499.
Jorge, E., Lopez-Valeiras, E., & Gonzalez-Sanchez, M. B. (2020).
The role of attitudes and tolerance of ambiguity in explaining consumers’ willingness to pay for organic wine
Journal of Cleaner Production, 257, 120601.
Jorge, E., Lopez-Valeiras, E., & Gonzalez-Sanchez, M. B. (2020).
The Importance Given to Food Naturalness Attributes by Millennial University Students
Sustainability, 12(2), 728.
Labandeira, X., Labeaga, J. M., Linares, P., López-Otero, X. (2020).
The Impacts of Energy Efficiency Policies: Meta-analysis
Energy Policy, 147: 111790
Labeaga, J. M., Labandeira, X., & López-Otero, X. (2020).
Energy taxation, subsidy removal and poverty in Mexico
Environment and Development Economics, 1-22.
Lago, I., Lago-Peñas, S., & Martinez-Vazquez, J. (2020).
Decentralization after the Great Recession: fine-tuning or paradigm change?
egional Studies, 54(7), 877-880.
Lago-Peñas, S., Martinez-Vazquez, J., & Sacchi, A. (2020).
Fiscal stability during the Great Recession: putting decentralization design to the test
Regional Studies, 54(7), 919-930.
odchik, C Jardon, E Yachmeneva (2020). Multilevel analysis of knowledge sources for product innovation in Russian SMEs. Eurasian Business Review
Martínez-Roget, F., Moutela, J. A., & Rodríguez, X. A. (2020).
Length of Stay and Sustainability: Evidence from the Schist Villages Network (SVN) in Portugal
Sustainability, 12(10), 4025.
a, P.A.; Carrasco, J.; Rogan, C.; Montes, F.; Lago-Peñas, C.; Lemoine, P.; Valdivia, J. (2020). “Is social network approach relevant on football results?”. Chaos, Solitions & Fractals
Menéndez, R. P., Martín, A. P., Varela-Candamio, L., & García-Álvarez, M.-T. (2020).
An enhanced techno-economic analysis of LCOE: public incentives vs private investment
Technological and Economic Development of Economy, 1-23.
r, A., Cabanelas, P., López-Miguens, M. J., Cabiddu, F., & Rüdiger, K. (2020). Sustainable development and consumption: The role of trust for switching towards green energy. Business Strategy and the Environment. doi: 10.1002/bse.2599
Reyes-Santías, F., Cordova-Arevalo, O. & Rivo-Lopez, E.
Using flexible regression models for calculating hospital’s production functions
BMC Health Serv Res 20, 641 (2020).
Rey-Garcia, M. (2020).
Why Foundations Flourish: A Comparative Policy Framework to Understand Policy Support for Foundations across Countries*.
ournal of Comparative Policy Analysis: Research and Practice, 22(1), 6-29.
Rivera, B.; Casal, B.; Lago-Peñas, S.; Cantarero, D.; Pascual, M.; Reyes, F.; Blazquez, C. (2020)
“The impact of socioeconomic position on non-communicable diseases: a systematic literature review”
Rivo-López, E.; Villanueva-Villar, M.; Suárez-Blázquez, G.; Reyes-Santias, F. (2020
) “How does a business family manage its wealth? A family office perspective”
Journal of Family Business Management.
Rodriguez, M., Pansera, M., & Cabanelas Lorenzo, P. (2020).
Do indicators have politics? A review of the use of energy and carbon intensity indicators in public debates
Journal of Cleaner Production, 243, 118602.
Rodríguez, R., Svensson, G., & Otero-Neira, C. (2019).
Future direction of sustainable development in private hospitals: general similarities and specific differences
Journal of Business & Industrial Marketing, 35(3), 537-550.
Rodríguez, X. A., Regueiro, R. M., & Doldán, X. R. (2020).
Analysis of productivity in the Spanish wind industry
Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews, 118, 109573.
Sánchez, L. C.; Barajas, Á.; Sánchez-Fernández, P. (2020)
“Fans in the ownership of Big Five leagues: lessons for better football governance”
Soccer & Society.
Sánchez, L. C.; Barajas, Á.; Sánchez-Fernández, P. (2020)
“Profits may lead teams to lose matches, but scoring goals does not lead to profit”
European Research on Management and Business Economics, 26(1).
Sartal, A., González-Loureiro, M., & Vázquez, X. H. (2020).
Meta-analyses in management: What can we learn from clinical research?
RQ Business Research Quarterly.
Sartal, A., Ozcelik, N., & Rodríguez, M. (2020).
Bringing the circular economy closer to small and medium enterprises: Improving water circularity without damaging plant productivity
Journal of Cleaner Production, 256, 120363.
Sartal, A., Rodríguez, M., & Vázquez, X. H. (2019).
From efficiency‐driven to low‐carbon operations management: Implications for labor productivity
Journal of Operations Management, March 2017, joom.1060.
Sartal, A., Vázquez, X. H., & Lozano-Lozano, L. M. (2020).
Organizational Tools and Cultural Change in the Success of Lean Transformations: Delving Into Sequence and Rhythm
IEEE Transactions on Engineering Management.
Seijas-Macías, A., Oliveira, A., Oliveira, T. A., & Leiva, V. (2020).
Approximating the Distribution of the Product of Two Normally Distributed Random Variables
Symmetry, 12(8), 1201.
Valencia-Toledo, A., & Vidal-Puga, J. (2020).
A sequential bargaining protocol for land rental arrangements
Review of Economic Design, 24(1-2), 65-99.
Wang, F., Cid, J. Á., Li, S., & Zima, M. (2020).
Lyapunov stability of periodic solutions of Brillouin type equations
Applied Mathematics Letters, 101, 106057.
Alonso-Carrera, J., de Miguel, C., & Manzano, B. (2019).
Economic Growth and Environmental Degradation When Preferences are Non-homothetic
Environmental and Resource Economics, 74(3), 1011-1036.
Álvarez, X., Gómez-Rúa, M., & Vidal-Puga, J. (2019).
River flooding risk prevention: A cooperative game theory approach
Journal of Environmental Management, 248, 109284.
Álvarez-Díaz, M., González-Gómez, M., & Otero-Giráldez, M. S. (2019).
Estimating the effects of regional political climate on Russian tourists to Spain
Current Issues in Tourism, 22(4), 409-414.
Álvarez-Díaz, M., González-Gómez, M., & Otero-Giráldez, M. S. (2019).
Estimating the economic impact of a political conflict on tourism: The case of the Catalan separatist challenge
Tourism Economics, 25(1), 34-50.
Álvarez-Díaz, M., González-Gómez, M., & Otero-Giráldez, M. S. (2019).
Low cost airlines and international tourism demand. The case of Porto’s airport in the northwest of the Iberian Peninsula
Journal of Air Transport Management, 79, 101689.
Alvarez-Garcia, B., & Miles-Touya, D. (2019).
Gender imbalance in housework allocation: a question of time?
Review of Economics of the Household, 17(4), 1257-1287.
Álvarez-García, J., González-Vázquez, E., del Río-Rama, M. de la C., & Durán-Sánchez, A. (2019).
Quality in Customer Service and Its Relationship with Satisfaction: An Innovation and Competitiveness Tool in Sport and Health Centers
International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 16(20), 3942.
Avendaño, O., Velázquez–Abunader, I., Fernández-Jardón, C. M., Ángeles–González, L. E., Hernández-Flores, A., & Guerra, Á. (2019).
Biomass and distribution of the red octopus (Octopus maya) in the north-east of the Campeche Bank
Journal of the Marine Biological Association of the United Kingdom, 99(06), 1317-1323.
Benito Santos, A., Theron, R., Losada, A., Sampaio, J. E., & Lago-Peñas, C. (2018).
Data-Driven Visual Performance Analysis in Soccer: An Exploratory Prototype
Frontiers in Psychology, 9.
Bergantiños, G., & Lorenzo, L. (2019).
How to apply penalties to avoid delays in projects
European Journal of Operational Research, 275(2), 608-620.
Bergantiños, G., & Moreno-Ternero, J. D. (2019).
Sharing the Revenues from Broadcasting Sport Events
Management Science, In Press, mnsc.2019.3313.
Bergantiños, G., & Navarro-Ramos, A. (2019).
A characterization of the folk rule for multi-source minimal cost spanning tree problems
Operations Research Letters, 47(5), 366-370.
Bouché, S., & de Miguel, C. (2019).
Endogenous aspirations, growth and the rise of environmental concerns
Energy Economics, 84, 104526.
Bouché, S., & Miguel, C. (2019).
Optimal fiscal policy in a model with inherited aspirations and habit formation
Journal of Public Economic Theory, 21(6), 1309-1331.
Calvo-Babio, N. B., Fernández-López, S., & Rodeiro-Pazos, D. (2019).
Is university-industry collaboration biased by sex criteria?
Knowledge Management Research & Practice, 17(4), 408-420.
Calvo-Porral, C., & Lévy-Mangin, J.-P. (2019).
Profiling shopping mall customers during hard times
Journal of Retailing and Consumer Services, 48, 238-246.
Calvo-Porral, C., & Levy-Mangin, J.-P. (2019).
Situational factors in alcoholic beverage consumption
British Food Journal, 121(9), 2086-2101.
Colla-De-Robertis, E., Da-Rocha, J.-M., García-Cutrín, J., Gutiérrez, M.-J., & Prellezo, R. (2019).
A bayesian estimation of the economic effects of the Common Fisheries Policy on the Galician fleet: A dynamic stochastic general equilibrium approach
Ocean & Coastal Management, 167, 137-144.
de Miguel, C., Filippini, M., Labandeira, X., Labeaga, J. M., & Löschel, A. (2019).
Low-carbon Transitions: Economics and Policy
Energy Economics, 84:104606.
Del Castillo, C., Blanco-González, A., & González-Vázquez, E. (2019).
Influence of Attitudes Toward Immigration on State Legitimacy
American Behavioral Scientist, 63(7), 955-970.
del Río, C., & Alonso-Villar, O. (2019).
Occupational segregation by sexual orientation in the U.S.: exploring its economic effects on same-sex couples
Review of Economics of the Household, 17(2), 439-467.
Fernández, E., Iglesias-Antelo, S., López-López, V., Rodríguez-Rey, M., & Fernandez-Jardon, C. M. (2019).
Firm and industry effects on small, medium-sized and large firms’ performance
BRQ Business Research Quarterly, 22(1), 25-35.
Fernandez-Feijoo, B., Romero, S., & Ruiz Blanco, S. (2019).
Regional differences in industry specialization in the sustainability assurance market
Management Decision, 57(3), 669-687.
Fernández-González, Raquel; Arce-Fariña, Elena; Garza-Gil, M. Dolores (2019):
“Resolving Conflict between Parties and Consequences for Foreign Direct Investment: The Repsol-YPF Case in Argentina”
Sustainability, Volumen: 11 (6012), pp. 1-16.
Fernández-Jardón, C. M., & Martínez-Cobas, X. (2019).
Leadership and Organizational Culture in the Sustainability of Subsistence Small Businesses: an Intellectual Capital Based View
Sustainability, 11(12), 3491.
Fernández-López, S., Calvo, N., & Rodeiro-Pazos, D. (2019).
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