Tribute to Professor Carlos Hervés-Beloso
The Society for the Advancement of Economic Theory (SAET) honored the Professor of the The University of Vigo, Carlos Hervés, head of ECOBAS.
On the occasion of the XIX Annual Conference of the Association, that is being held between June 30 and July 6 in Ischia (Italy), the session entitled “Issues on Economic Theory”, organized by Achille Basile and Maria Gabriella Graziano, from the University of Naples, and moderated by Nicholas Yannelis, editor of “Economic Theory” journal, was dedicated to paying tribute to Professor Hervés-Beloso.
The session counted on the participation of Professor Claudia Meo, from the University of Naples, and three of the scientific disciples of Prof. Hervés, representatives of different generations: Emma Moreno, Professor at the University of Salamanca; Joao Correia de la Silva, Professor at the University of Porto; and Hugo del Valle-Inclán, a current predoctoral researcher at the University of Vigo.
With this tribute, attended by many professional colleagues of Hervés, such as M. Ali Khan, from the Johns Hopkins University, Konrad Podczeck, from the University of Vienna, Anne Vllamil, from the University of Massachusetts, or Timothy Kehoe, from the University de Minnesota, the SAET wanted to commemorate and highlight the trajectory of this renowned researcher.