The ‘Workshop on Dynamic Macroeconomics’ has held its 23rd edition
Yesterday it was closed the XXIII Workshop on Dynamic Macroeconomics, organized by the RGEA Group (Research Group in Economic Analysis) of the University of Vigo, and LAEF (Laboratory of Aggregate Economics and Finance), from the University of California. The event, coordinated by the researcher Jaime Alonso, was held once again in the Pazo de Soutomaior and, as in the two previous editions, it was co-sponsored by ECOBAS.
During three days, predoctoral and senior researchers from different universities and countries presented their work on different aspects of macroeconomic theory, with a special emphasis in this occasion on fiscal, monetary and labor market issues.
This Workshop has been held for more than two decades, and involves in each edition the participation of researchers of recognized and international prestige, highlighting the Nobel prizewinner in economic sciences in 2004, Finn E. Kydland, director of LAEF, University of California, and co-organizer of the event.