The ‘RGEA Workshop 2018’ marks the beginning of the seminar cycle for the 2018/19 academic year
Throughout today, will be held the RGEA Workshop 2018, a seminar session with the participation and assistance of researchers from nine international universities. The event, organized by the RGEA Group and ECOBAS, is coordinated by Professor Carlos Hervés, principal investigator of both organizations.
In the morning session, will participate Alberto Iozzi and Mariangela Zoli, from the University of Rome ‘Tor Vergata’; Vincenzo Scalzo and Achille Basile, from the Federico II University of Naples; Nizar Allouch, from the University of Kent; and Joao Correia, from the University of Oporto. In the afternoon it will be the turn of Chiara Donnini, from the Parthenope University of Naples; Marta Kornafel, from the University of Krakow; Juan Pablo Rincón, from the University Carlos III of Madrid; and Gonçalo Faria, from the Catholic University of Portugal.
With this Workshop, the seminar cycle corresponding to the 2018/19 academic year is launched, with the expectation of achieving an even greater participation than that of the previous academic year, in which almost 50 national and international researchers passed through the Faculty of Economic and Business Sciences.