The GEN Group leads, together with the Deputation of Ourense, two projects to analyze the fiscal reality of the Galician municipalities

The Red Localis (managed by the GEN group) and the Deputation of Ourense, have presented two pioneering initiatives in the fiscal analysis of the Galician municipalities: the ‘Red Localis’ Report and the Galician Municipal Observatory.

The I ‘Red Localis’ Report, entitled Organization and funding of municipal services, is a document that highlights the need to evaluate the organization and financing of municipal services in our community, focusing on three different points of view: the general aspects; the funding and the cost; and the fusion, collaboration and cooperation. In this monograph, coordinated by Concepción Campos Acuña and Roberto Fernández Llera, participate academic and professional experts from all over the country.

For its part, the Galician Municipal Observatory is a platform that collects and disseminates documentation related to the economy and taxation of all municipalities of Galicia. The information is presented on a web page of interactive nature and simple use, designed so that all citizens can know, among other, the budgetary and tax information of the different municipalities. Based on the data collected in this Observatory, the Red Localis publishes notes in which it is analyzed, from an economic and fiscal perspective, the Galician local situation. In this series of documents, it is shown the reality of the municipalities, being a powerful tool for local public managers when making decisions to improve the budgetary and fiscal capacity of their territories.