The Forestry Statistics Yearbook, prepared by the G4 Plus group, has been presented
Galicia already has its first Forestry Statistics Yearbook, with data updated to 2018, a report that was presented by the General Director of Forestry Planning and Management, José Luis Chan, at the parliamentary headquarters on June 19. The Yearbook was designed and prepared by the Research Group of the University of Vigo G4 PLUS – Strategic development: organizations and territories – member of ECOBAS, based on the data provided by the Regional Ministry of Rural Affairs.
The Forest Statistics Yearbook of Galicia 2018 is the result of an exhaustive work of gathering information from the forest administration, and presented in a structured manner with tables and graphic outputs with complementary information, with a focus on decision support systems (DSS) that can be one of the most powerful tools when establishing public policies.
It is the first compendium published in Galicia that exclusively contains forest statistics data. The presented Yearbook includes complete and detailed information regarding the structure of forest property in Galicia, as well as on forest ordering and management, reforestation, silvicultural treatments, biological control against different diseases and pests, and forest productions. In relation to the latter, the study incorporates data on logging, pasture or mycological uses. The publication also summarizes the companies in the sector, both those supplying forestry material for reproduction, as well as forestry services and the use and transformation of wood. This Yearbook responds to some of the guidelines and requests highlighted in the Review of the Forest Plan of Galicia, created within the Forest Council of Galicia in 2015, which indicated that “It is a priority to have reliable, up-to-date statistics and information available”.