Sherpa do mar project publishes a euroregional knowledge map related to the marine-maritime field

Sherpa do Mar is a project integrated in the INTERREG V-A Spain-Portugal cross-border cooperation Program (POCTEP) 2014-2020, 75% co-financed by ERDF funds.  

In its objective of creating a cross-border network in the marine-maritime field, Sherpa do Mar has created a Euroregional Knowledge Map in which it includes different data on scientific-technical resources related to the sea and available in the Galicia – North of Portugal.

Specifically, this directory collects information on 99 R&D organizations and research teams -86 from Galicia and 13 from the Portuguese country-, specialized in the areas of support for innovation, culture and business development; comprehensive management of the oceans; engineering (ports, infrastructure and energy); observation of the ocean and global change and sustainable use of marine resources.

Likewise, it contains the data of 5,194 researchers, 1,929 from Galicia and 3,265 from the North of Portugal, 76 patents, 259 projects and 36 R&D publications, as well as 356 service references.

Extensive compilation work

The extensive database that makes up this web section is the result of the compilation of information on the research teams in the field of the sea and their main scientific production, based on specific criteria in accordance with the characteristics of the Sherpa do Mar ecosystem.  

The work has been coordinated by the CIIMAR Research Center and the universities of Santiago de Compostela, A Coruña, Vigo and Porto have collaborated in it, making contributions on their knowledge resources. The results of this work have been collected by the Vigo Free Trade Zone Consortium, from where the development of this new section on the project’s website has been led and for which it has had the support of the REDE research group of ECOBAS.  

Abierto a nuevos registros

Apart from acting as a source of information, the map sheets specify the locations of the research organizations and teams and also facilitate contact with the responsible. The ultimate purpose is to promote the creation of a cross-border knowledge community around the sea, which is why the database is open to new incorporations.  

In this way, any R&D organization or research team in Galicia and Northern Portugal whose lines of work are related to the marine-maritime field can be part of this Euroregional Knowledge Map by registering through this form .

In the case of projects or publications, the requirements to join this directory, in addition to those already mentioned, is that they may be in progress or concluded in the last 5 years.