ECOBAS will participate in the
María José Cabaleiro Casal and Carlos Iglesias Malvido will attend on June 20th, on behalf of ECOBAS, the Encounter of Cooperatives at the Escola Superior de Ciências Empresariais of Valença, Portugal. The Work Community Galicia-North of Portugal is in charge of organizing this event, which will bring together representatives of various Galician and Portuguese organizations related to the social economy and cooperativism.
The participation of ECOBAS will take place within the thematic panels that will be presented in the afternoon, specifically within the one dedicated to “Research and teaching”. This meeting is an important way of understanding the activities and projects that are being carried out in the Galicia-North of Portugal Euroregion, and an opportunity to establish new links for the formation of future consortia and working groups in the field of cooperation.