ECOBAS steps forward to be recognized as an Inter-University Research Center after being approves also by the Governing Council of the UDC

On Thursday, July 22 was the date on which the Strategic Grouping ECOBAS was recognized as an Interuniversity Research Center by the Governing Council of the University of A Coruña. 
The following day, the directors of ECOBAS, María Loureiro and Carlos Hervés, held a telematic meeting with the research and working staff that has been part of the Center during its stage as a strategic grouping, with the intention of taking stock of the course and report on progress towards full recognition as an Interuniversity Research Center of the Galician University System (SUG). 
At the moment, ECOBAS has 16 researchers from the three Galician universities. All of them are prestigious professionals, with an exemplary track record in the field of research and teaching. But in addition to research excellence, the future Center will base its training programs and transfer to be an international reference in the field of Social Sciences, Economics and Business.