ECOBAS promotes the signing of a collaboration agreement between the University of Vigo and the two main Galician associations of cooperatives
The University of Vigo has a long history of support and promotion of cooperativism, as highlighted in the conference “University of Vigo and Cooperativism: 28 years growing together”, held this morning at the Faculty of Economic and Business Sciences.
The event began with a breakfast and a collaborative table with the participation of representatives from various Galician cooperatives, from the University of Vigo Employment and Entrepreneurship area and from the UVigo Foundation, as well as students and members of ECOBAS. This session served to create links between the cooperatives and the University with the aim of finding ways of collaboration between both and include the cooperative formula among the job possibilities for the students. Then there was an informative session in which the representatives of Espazocoop and Agaca, the two main Galician associations of cooperatives, explained to the students what the cooperative model consists of and what is the interest that it can have for them when it comes to making his immersion in the world of work. At the end of this informative session, the representatives of the UVigo Foundation and the Employment and Entrepreneurship area also joined in order to transmit the conclusions of the previous collaborative table to the students.
Finally, took place the institutional closing act of the meeting with the participation of the Rector of UVigo, Salustiano Mato; the coordinator of ECOBAS, Carlos Hervés; the president of Espazocoop, Celso Gándara; and the director-manager of Agaca, Higino Mougán. During this act, the involvement of the University of Vigo with the cooperative movement was expressed through the signing of the agreement between the institution and the two cooperative associations. This agreement, promoted by ECOBAS within the framework of the Rede Eusumo, opens the door to a greater and better collaboration that will bring associated the achievement of more and better projects and will contribute to continuing fostering the cooperative movement. The event came to an end with an emotional tribute that the University of Vigo and its alumni linked to the cooperatives wanted to render to the promoters of cooperativism at the University, especially Professor Iago Santos Castroviejo, founder of the Classroom of Cooperative Company, created in the School of Business Studies 28 years ago.
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