UVIGO Training: School of sustainability and global citizenship. Brave women defenders of the earth
With this course organized by the University of Vigo Vice President for Social Responsibility, Internationalization and Cooperation in collaboration with Engineering without Borders and Amigos da Terra, the aim is to make known the impacts and alternatives of extractivism in Galicia and in other areas of the world, where some of the sessions They will be meetings that will be held taking advantage of the visits of women activists from Honduras. Through her witness, the role of women in the defense of the land and in the promotion of productive alternatives based on the social economy will be made visible.
When: February 23, March 3 and 30; April 27; May 11; June 15
Who: Aimed at UVigo students. If there are free places, they can be assigned to other profiles.
- Águeda Gómez Suárez: full professor of the Department of Sociology, Political Science, Administration, and Philosophy, and director of the Equality Unit of the University of Vigo.
- Xavier Simón Fernández: Professor of the Department of Applied Economics, and Director of the Galician Wind Observatory.
- Patricia Iglesias Fernández: education technician for global citizenship. She belongs to Amigos da Terra.
- Sergio Fernández Alonso: Technician for cooperation projects and education for global citizenship. Belonging to Ingeniería sin fronteras.
- AGARESO: consulting firm specializing in communication in the third sector
Registration until February 17 in Bubela.
More information at this link.