The Universities of Vigo, Santiago and A Coruña launch its new Master in Economics
The next academic year 2018/19 will start the Master in Economics, a new inter-university degree organized by the three Galician universities, with the support of ECOBAS.
This new training program aims to get highly trained professionals in the disciplines of economics and business, either for their immersion in working life or for their incorporation into a doctoral program. It is aimed at those creative, dynamic students with an interest in research, coming not only from the degrees in economics and business administration, but also from other degrees such as engineering, mathematics or statistics. In addition to the compulsory subjects, internships and master’s thesis (TFM), this degree has a series of optional subjects, framed in four possible itineraries: 1) Public policies and regional economic analysis, given at the UDC; 2) Economy and society, given at Uvigo; 3) Economics and finance, given at the USC; and 4) Economic analysis, given at the three universities, and especially recommended for those who wish to pursue doctoral studies. Classes will begin in September with a blended learning model, with each subject being taught in the faculty of economics and business of one of the three universities, with remote broadcast by videoconference in the other two.
The pre-registration period will open on June 1 at USC, June 22 at Uvigo and June 24 at UDC.
You can consult all the information related to this new master by accessing its web page: