XXIV BIOECON: Biodiversity and the Sustainable Development Goals

On the theme of “Biodiversity and the Sustainable Development Goals” the XXIV International BIOECON Conference will be held at the University of Santiago de Compostela, Spain, on 31st August – 1st September 2023. The event will be of interest to both researchers and policymakers working on issues associated with finance and economics and their impact on biodiversity.

Conference keynote speakers will be Professor Erin Sills (NC State University) and Rashid Sumaila (U. British Columbia).

In addition to the conference theme, BIOECON XXIV aims to have parallel sessions on a broad range of topics within the umbrella of biodiversity economics and the sustainable develpoment goals, including: marine and ocean economics, the role of biodiversity and ecosystem services in economic development, plant genetic resources and food security issues, deforestation and development, fisheries, institutions and instruments (e.g. Payments for Ecosystem Services), wildlife conservation and endangered species, international trade and regulation, or climate change, among others.

XXIV BIOECON official website