III PRICIT Doctoral Workshop
The Doctoral Workshop calls all interested doctoral candidates to submit their research proposals for review and
feedback. The research proposals should typically include the following structure:
• Introduction/problem statement/definition.
• Brief literature review.
• Conceptual development.
• Proposed methodology.
• Outcome/anticipated results.
Each submission will undergo a review process. Both early-stage ideas and more advanced projects are welcome, but
they should be sufficiently developed such that feedback can be useful.
The Doctoral Workshop also offers two keynote discussions, and an opportunity to gain mentorship on devising the
most effective strategy for writing and submitting papers to leading Journals.
The workshop is free of charge (Working lunches and coffees are included).
It is possible to attend the doctoral workshop without submitting a proposal. Doctoral students in very early stages, who
have not yet developed a proposal, are also welcome and encouraged to attend.
Key dates for the Ph.D. research proposal and submission
All submissions should be in English and directed to as a single PDF file.
Questions can also be directed to the same e-mail.
Submission deadline: February 15, 2023.
Notification of acceptance: February 28, 2023.